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Material safety data sheet

Safety data sheets are part of the basic equipment of chemical products. It is required during production, but at the latest when the finished product is placed on the market if it is a dangerous good or raw materials are used that have been classified as dangerous goods. The safety data sheets are subject to updating due to new findings, legal changes or the expiry of deadlines over time.


We are not only a service provider for the development, design and production of chemical products, but also offer a service for your safety data sheets, regardless of whether you have developed or produced the products with us or just want to make use of this service. Contact us so that we can jointly define a framework and submit you an individual offer.


Create/modify safety data sheet


We prepare REACH-compliant safety data sheets taking into account all relevant legal regulations (such as Cosmetics Ordinance, Detergents Ordinance, Biocides Ordinance, Aerosol Directive etc.). We not only access European chemical lists such as REACH, SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) or the German WGK list, but also international lists such as TSCA, IESEC, AICS IARC, Prop65, OSHA and many others if the safety data sheets are also to be valid in America, Asia, Australia or Africa.



Translate Material Safety Data Sheets


We translate every safety data sheet we produce into any EU language, as well as Russian, Turkish, Arabic and many other Asian languages.



Safety Data Sheet Update Service


We constantly check whether a new edition of the safety data sheets is necessary. We are looking for new information that may have an impact on risk management or provide information on hazards; and whether substances or mixtures are included that have been denied authorisation or for which restrictions have been imposed. If your Safety Data Sheet is affected, you will automatically receive a new version of your Safety Data Sheet when you book our Update Service.


Optimize safety data sheet


You already have a safety data sheet and are not sure whether it is up to date or whether it really contains all the information for third countries such as Switzerland or other continents? Do you want simpler labelling? We check, modify/optimize your existing safety data sheets and provide you with the relevant information.




Each product must also be supplied with appropriate labels. Not only do we provide the right information, but our professional graphic designers also design the labels according to the CI and completely individually. Minimum size requirements for symbols and/or pictograms are considered according to your packaging unit.





Biocides and detergents as well as dangerous mixtures must be reported according to EU Regulations in order to provide the Poison Information Centres, the Federal Environment Agency and the State Offices for Consumer Protection with important information in the event of damage.


With the voluntary registration of an emergency number manned around the clock, legal requirements in the affected countries are complied with and, in an emergency, their own company is not contacted.


We take care of all administrative formalities for you - both in writing and orally, and if necessary also personally. Even after registration, we remain the contact for questions from the authorities.

MSDS Fees 

One-off MSDS

Single Material Data Sheet. You only need one REACH compliant Material Safety Data Sheet with only one language: 


270,- £ one-off

MSDS Bundle 10

Up to 10 REACH

compliant Safety Data Sheets for the EU Market with up to date guarantee for the next 24 months:

60,- £ per month

MSDS Bundle 50

Up to 50 REACH

compliant Safety Data Sheets for the EU Market with up to date guarantee for the next 24 months:


250,- £ per month


GHS compliant MSDS

for non-EU markets with up to date Guarantee for the next 24 months:


on request

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